I'm giving a presentation called RESTful Approaches To Financial Systems Integration as part of the Architectures in Financial Applications track at qCon London 2009.
Presentation Abstract:
While RESTful architectures have attracted a significant amount of interest amongst the architecture community recently, they are particularly attractive in solving many financial services integration problems. Financial services firms have large silos, massive distributed development teams, and face constant pressure to integrate their systems faster and better. In addition, the unique regulatory and user management issues that financial firms face mean that they need to be careful about applying any technical architecture that's widely perceived to be of interest in web-tier systems.
Drawing on his experience from some of the projects he's led, Kirk will present the advantages of a RESTful architecture to develop integrate systems in the financial services arena, in particular how to leverage the types of infrastructure, skills, and systems that these firms are likely to already have. The talk will also cover precisely why a RESTful architecture fits so well in developing and integrating the systems financial firms use. He'll also address perhaps the most important problem financial services developers face: how to make their traders happy.
I hope you can make it!
Appearance Details:
Conference: qCon London 2009
Location: Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre. (Map Reference)
Conference Dates: 11-13 March, 2009
Presentation Details: 15:45-16:45, 11 March, 2009 (Wednesday), Westminster Suite