Thursday, March 18, 2010

OpenGamma is Looking for a Browser-Based Software Engineer

We've already put this up on our jobs page, but I wanted to highlight the job posting to my readers.

OpenGamma is now looking for someone to build up our browser-based software engineering efforts. We've got a super-strong set of server-side software engineers who are well versed in building the back-ends of applications (and delivering data to front-ends in browser-friendly ways). We've got people who are very familiar with extending well-defined applications to support new functionality. What we don't have is someone who lives and breathes the browser.

That's where you'd come in.

We want someone who can come in, and make sure that we present the platform that we're building in the best way possible to end users, delivered through browser-based mechanisms. You'd get a clean slate to work with, and the chance to work against what we know will be the limits of what browsers can do. And at no point ever will we ask you to support IE 6.

While we're building financial technology, we don't think you need to know a single thing about the financial services industry to take on this role; in fact, we think our ideal candidate isn't coming from finance at all (judging by the quality of web applications we've all seen in finance). Anything you need to know you'll pick up on pretty darn quickly.

We'd prefer someone local to London (our new offices are in the Bankside area, with views of the Tate Modern). If you're based outside the M25 and need accommodation for telecommuting, we don't need you in the office every single day.

We're a well-funded startup, we're building technology that has the potential to disrupt an entire industry, we have exceptional people to work with, we have a no-bullshit stance on bureaucracy, and we all have an equity stake in the firm.

Take a look at the more comprehensive spec on our web site, and if you think you or someone you know would be perfect, contact us (jobs at opengamma dot com).

Recruitment Agencies: We are not open to unsolicited profiles or CVs for this role without an existing MSA signed by OpenGamma.